Our Services

Esthetic Dentistry

  • Smile design
  • Emax or porcelain laminates (leaf porcelain)
  • Bleaching
  • Zirconium coatings
  • Tooth jewelry
  • Pink esthetics


  • Implant
  • Implants in one day with the All on Four, All on Six technique
  • Flapless applications with digital surgical guide
  • Bone grafting

Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

  • Impacted tooth surgeries
  • Extraction
  • Sinus floor raising-lifting
  • Apical resection
  • Cyst operations
  • Surgical extractions
  • PRF techniques

Periodontitis (Gum Diseases)

  • Gum recession
  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Pink esthetics
  • Gum esthetics
  • Tongue tie and lip tie surgery (frenectomy)

Dental Prostheses

  • Zirconium coating
  • Porcelain veneers and laminates
  • Emax veneers and laminates
  • No-prep laminates
  • Implant veneers and prostheses
  • Precision attachment prostheses
  • Complete denture prostheses
  • Implant supported complete dentures prostheses


  • Movable appliances
  • Palatal expansion appliances
  • Placeholders
  • Wire treatment with transparent or metal brackets
  • Transparent plaques (invisalign)

Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentistry)

  • Fissure sealant (tooth polish)
  • Filling and root canal treatments
  • Placeholders
  • Baby or permanent teeth extraction
  • Tooth treatment under general anesthesia


  • Single visit or multiple visit canals
  • Apical resection
  • Endo-period approaches
  • Endocrowns

Special Treatments

  • Dental Botox
  • Bruxism (teeth clenching) and its treatment
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Tooth treatment under general anesthesia