
Leaf Porcelain (Laminates)

Leaf Porcelain (Laminates)

The aesthetic expectations of our age are increasing day by day, and accordingly, new methods are being discovered in order to get the best results with the least intervention.

Is Tartar Cleaning Harmful

Is Tartar Cleaning Harmful

Dental calculus (tartar) is formed by the precipitation of calcium on the bacterial plaque that adheres to the tooth surfaces and cannot be cleaned if it is not brushed well. Tartars appear as yellow or brown deposits near the gingival margin of the teeth.

Should We Have Baby Teeth Filled?

Should We Have Baby Teeth Filled?

Baby teeth are necessary for chewing, speaking and aesthetics until the permanent teeth erupt in childhood. In babies, at the age of 6 months on average, the baby teeth begin to erupt and around the age of 2.5, the eruption of all baby teeth is completed.
